Healthy Schools

Healthy Schools Enhancement
We are thrilled to announce that we have achieved the healthy schools enhancement award! Please see below to see what targets we have been working on:
Target 1
Increase the number of children and young people, who report that they eat a healthier snack from 0% to 100% out of pupils who eat a normal oral diet (53 C&YP)
- Daily healthy snacks have been introduced for all pupils on a ‘normal diet’ which has increased the number of pupils who eat 5 portions of fruit and veg per day.
- Staff/pupils compile a weekly shopping list from a given list to purchase healthier snacks.
- A reward system certificate is in place to reward pupils that are swapping snacks for healthier alternatives. A snack swapper certificate is given out weekly, organised by TA.
Target 2
Increase the number of children and young people, who are able to access a multi sensory playground during periods of free choice from 0 to 20 C&YP out of MSI pupils.
- A range of additional tactile and sensory opportunities have been sourced, made and installed in the MSI playground to provide outdoor opportunities (weather dependent).
- Lunchtime supervisors/teaching assistants have attended some training to support activities that could happen at lunchtimes/leading playground activities.
Target 3
We have increased the number of children and young people, who are encouraged to maintain/explore adequate dental hygiene from 0% to 70% out of Yr 10/11 Autistic Pupils.
- All pupils had the opportunity to visit the dentist van to promote it as a positive experience and explore the van/ familiarise with the van/ routines.
- Cherry class pupils are actively brushing their teeth at lunchtimes, after play * Merits are awarded for individual progress.
- Pupils have taken part in PSHE day where they had the opportunity to look at hygiene and morning routines as part of staying healthy.
The healthy schools enhancement team have worked hard alongside the whole school staff to implement the strategies to achieve these targets.