Prentice Court, Goldings, Northampton, NN3 8XS

01604 741960

Greenfields Specialist School for Communication

Let Our World Be Your World


Testimonials: 'Really happy with everything the school is doing...' 'Really informative and gave us the link to ... progress. She has developed so much since attending and we are all really pleased...' 'Extremely happy, very informative and lovely to hear all the progress that ... is making. Fantastic staff, very supportive and know ... very well...' 'Absolutely brilliant to hear all the new things ... can do in Conductive. All of the GSSC staff are fantastic and bring the best out of her...' 'Our child's progression in just 4 months here is massive...' 'I have attended my eight weeks placement in GSSC as a Mental Health Student Nurse... Everyone welcomed me and supported me through my learning journey. I have been given opportunities to work with Multi Disciplinary Team... I am very thankful to everyone who made my journey so amazing...' 'Absolutely brilliant time with the classes and children. You guys rock and it is great what you provide for these little stars...' 'Fabulous team, really supportive staff, the kids are lovely and couldn't be in better hands...' 'Such a devoted and brilliant team. The students have also been amazing. It is so clear how much they all care...' ' Really great and eye opening experience into SEND Schools. The school does a really great job...'

GSSC Events and News

To view all the events on the Calendar please click on the link 'GSSC Events Calendar' at the bottom of the page.

Summer Newsletter 2024

Surprise Visit and Amazing Gift

Spring Newsletter 2023

Autumn Newsletter 2023

Summer Newsletter 2023

Spring Newsletter 2023

Support available over Easter

West Northamptonshire Council SEND Strategy

Home to School Transport Consultation

West Northamptonshire Council are consulting on Home to School Transport.  Please complete the consultation below

Home to School Transport Consultation 2023 - West Northamptonshire Council - Citizen Space

Parents/Carers 0-19 Needs Assessment Survey

Autumn Newsletter 2022

Halloween and Bonfire Night Newsletter

Summer Newsletter 2022

School Closure - Heat Health Alert Level 4 National Emergency

For further updates please see: Heat Health - Met Office

Northampton Music Festival Sunday 19th June 2022

Good afternoon Parents and Carers
I am pleased to be sharing something positive with you all rather than the COVID letters!
We celebrate all of our young people's variety of communication methods, one of which is sign language, within our GSSC community.
In school this term we will be focusing on the following two songs Fireworks and Wonderful World, ahead of the NMF22.
NMF22 (Northampton Music Festival)
Putting Shoe Town on the Music Map - FREE Festival celebrating our town centre through music.
I will be opening the festival on the Main Stage in the Market Square at 11.30am, Sunday 19th June by leading the SIGNING of two great songs; Fireworks (Katy Perry) and Wonderful World (Louis Armstrong). I hope to be joined by as many young people, friends and families from Northamptonshire Schools as possible, to kick the festival off with everybody joining in with the signing and/or festival experience. This will be a wonderful opportunity for some of our young people to experience being on a festival stage or opportunity to come along and simply experience the festival spirit.
Please share the following links with your staff, pupils, young people and their families to enable them to have a go at the signing for each song:
Firework -
Wonderful World -
I will be looking for young people to join me on the Main Stage, so if you have a 'shining signing star' please do not hesitate to contact me ( spaces will be limited.
A celebration of Northampton's architectural heritage through music. There will be six stages of great music throughout Northampton Town Centre from 11.30am until 9pm. Rock to Opera, Jazz to World Music. Stages feature All Saints (classical and choral), Northampton Museum, The Guildhall Courtyard (World Music) The Guildhall Hotel Courtyard (Jazz), the Platform Courtyard in George Row (students from Northampton College and University) and of course Northampton's historic Market Square (Pop and Headline Act (to be announced in coming weeks!)

Spring Newsletter 2022

Autumn Newsletter 2021

Transport Letter - Health and Safety

Structure of the School Day from September 2021

Summer 2021 Newsletter

Collaborative Working

Spring 2021 Newsletter...

Christmas News Letter 

See our Covid-19 Tab for information about the Coronavirus and how School will be operating from September 2020


Update as of Wednesday 18th March 2020 at 3.50pm

School remains closed - awaiting deep clean.  We will update you further as soon as we can.

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